Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I can hardly believe it's already 2011... I thought I should start out the new year a little better, in the blogging sphere. ;-) I do have a good reason for not having posted in a while, though...

Last Monday, my computer decided to delete all of my files, for some unknown reason- all my videos, all my pictures, and all my documents- thousands of files! Well, I ran a program I found on the Internet to try to recover the files. It recovered a lot of them, although quite a few are still missing. There's a slight problem, though- most of the files don't work! At least half of my pictures are "invalid images", and I've only found 3 or 4 documents out of at least a hundred that actually work! And then on New Year's Eve, it decided that it wouldn't recognize our family's WiFi, even when my computer was less than 2 feet from the router! So, my computer is now beyond whatever my dad or I can figure out... :-/ Oh well- I'm sure God had a reason for doing it. ;-) So, posts will be a little less often, as I'm on our family computer now, and it has a rather slow Internet connection. Also, I don't have any of my pictures on this computer yet. ;-)

I'll leave you with this thought, from the sermon at our church this morning...

"Give God the firstfruits, not the leftovers. Look at what God can do with leftovers- just imagine what He can do with the firstfruits!"


Heidi W said...


Hannah Marie said...

Well... Allison just informed me a few days ago that I could use the flash drive that we have for our desktop computer, but it was a little late... :-)